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Being a member of a team


Wisedoc   Software Intern  Corvallis, Oregon  2018-Present

Developing an application to automatically convert technical papers into any format. It is built on Amazon Web Services and written primarily in PHP. 

CreateIT Collaboratory  Employee  Corvallis, Oregon  2018-Present

Developing a non-invasive sap flow sensor for saplings. Commissioned by a Horticulture researcher at Oregon State   University to build a mass-producible prototype to monitor a large quantity of saplings for extended periods of time.

Inventors Enterprise  Vice-President  Corvallis, Oregon  2016-Present

Leader in on-campus club that strives to develop an environment of innovation at Oregon State University as well as pursuing individual inventions. It also plans and manages “HWeekend”, the 50+ person 30-hour invention hackathon that occurs every term.
